"When one defines oneself as Pagan, it means she or he follows an Earth or Nature religion, one that sees the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of Nature are our holy days, the Earth is out temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation." ~Edain McCoy

Please visit the original blog for previous posts. Blessed Be

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lughnasadh Thanksgiving Ritual

I know that I am a little late in posting a Lughnasadh ritual but as I am working on my Book of Shadows, I wanted to share this one. So save it til next year.

A Lughnasadh Thanksgiving

Gold God Candle
Silver Goddess Candle
Handmade Loaf of bread
Offering plate

Cast Circle (any way that your tradition calls for)
Invoke quarters (however your tradition call for)
Invite/invoke Goddess and God;

Light Goddess Candle, say: “Great Mother Goddess, Goddess of the Moon, the Waters and the Earth. Today I honor the Grain Goddess. She weakens as the days are growing short. She is Demeter, and She is the Moon Goddess, I invite you into my circle”

Light God Candle, Say: “Glorious Father god, God of the Sun, the Forests, and the Mountains. Today I honor the Corn King, and give Him thanks for His yearly sacrifice. He is Lugh, and He is the Sun God. I invite you into my circle”
Pick up wand, say; “I come forth with wand in hand and dance upon the Goddess' Land to mark the turning of the year Lughnasadh now is here!"

“Blessed be this season of Lughnasadh and the bounty of the First Harvest,
Fruit of the womb of the Mother -
Blessed be Mother Earth,
Blessed be Father God!”

Place hands over your heart and say,
"I am grateful for so many things which our gracious Lord and Lady have bestowed upon me. Our Lord has generously given us His light and protection at Midsummer so that our loving Lady could bless us with Her essence once again."
Pick up the loaf of bread and say;

"I will count my many blessings on this sabbat of bounty."
Hold the loaf of bread and recite all the many things that you are thankful for. When finished, break off a piece and take a bite. Then place the loaf back on the altar while saying,

"Blessed be the fruitful Mother,
Blessed be the God of the Harvest!"

Break off another piece and place it on a plate to give back to the Earth after ritual, say;
"I give this bounty of the land back to our Mother Earth and Her consort and ask that it be shared with the Faeries of the Fields and the animals of the woodland -
Offerings given in love return three-fold,
Blessed be this gift."

Release Goddess and God, say;

"I am a child of deity,
I am part of the creative life force which moves the Universe;
I am part of all that is.
Though we are apart, we are ever together –
Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again -
Blessed be!"

Release quarters

Close circle

Place offering plate outside.
Share the remaining bread with your family at meals; be thankful for all that is around you.  

Blessed Be


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